What's Old?
31st October 1998 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
More T1 line will be Added Since Lineage users are growing really fast that Lineage network can not handle. One more T1 line will be added on 15th Nov. 4 or 5 T1 lines will be connected untill the end of this year. Main Land Update is Delay Again Coloured Title
PS: Including the "\fX", the maximun letter of title is 16 bytes. |
BrielHK's status: Lev 31.6, HP 361, MP 125, -10 AC 8-) |
29th October 1998 |
Some Changes After the update - When we restart anywhere on 2/F of Dungeon, we will locate at the entrance of 2/F of Dungeon. - There will be little but funny animation if we teleport. - Baphobat will not be available until next Main Land update. Dorin
- Depositor Lineage Service Temporary Discontinue Don't Worry if you find your Character's Status turns
to all 0 |
BrielHK's status: Lev 31.1, HP 361, MP 125, -10 AC 8-) |
28th October 1998 |
Baphomat is not Available until Next Update Message from Admin Currently i have encountered a big problem with baphomat room. So I stoped to generate baphomat temporary. It will come back at next update. |
BrielHK's status: Lev 31.1, HP 361, MP 125, -10 AC 8-) |
27th October 1998 | ¡@ |
Guard and Agressive Monsters Hi. Guard recognize player even though you have turned to monster. Polymorph do not protect you from guard. Isn't it cool? and from last update, we have added agressive monster. Agressive monster is golem and orc fighter. I'm not saying that every golem and orcfighter is agressive. There are some agressive monsters in the field and dungeon. They recognize that you are the player even you are polymorphed. Be carefull! linmaster ¡@ About 2/F of Dungeon |
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BrielHK's status: Lev 31.0, HP 361, MP 125, -10 AC 8-) | ¡@ |
26th October 1998 | ¡@ |
About LAG Hi! This is Admin. Recently lineage service environment(Lag) became pretty bad. It is because of Korean side network bacame kind a unstable. Normal data communication doesn't effect that much but the interactive game like lineage effected alot. Giga-play game like lineage need at least less than 200ms ping time to play normaly, and if it exceed 500ms it is almost impossible to play. When I have analyzed during last few days ping time, it sometimes exceeded 300ms very often. I feel very sorry for this situation. I am currently complaining to my Network provider and trying to stable the network. I want to appreciate that lineage users are growing real fast. I will expand network and server to cover more users with high quality service. It will be 4 or 5 T1 network will tied up until the end of this year. One or two T1 will be added in next month. I will seperate the network dedicated to update only so that when lineage is updated normal service does not take effects due to download jam. I am trying to set it up before coming main land update. I am currently scheduling this update network install with network provider, and I am sorry that I can not give you a definite answer now. I will notice as soon as scheduling is fixed. Thank you very much. Sincerely yours Linmaster@ncsoft.co.kr ¡@ Regulations of Restore Item and Character ¡@ Rules for Chatting Channel |
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BrielHK's status: Lev 30.8, HP 348, MP 125, -10 AC 8-) | ¡@ |
25th October 1998 | ¡@ |
Foreign Credit Card Problem Lineage have a problem to process second month fee for foreign credit card. Therefore when Lineage fail to charge our credit card our account will not be accessable to Lineage. Lineage will fix this problem ASAP. The current solution is re-register our account using the same credit card. Here is the message from Admin: Hi. Foreign users. I am very sorry to telling you this. Currently we have problem to process second month fee for foreign credit card. As a result when we fail to charge your credit card your account automatically became not accessable to lineage. My deep appologies. We will fix it ASAP. Until then please try to re-register your account using same credit card. I am very sorry about this. Thank you very much. |
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BrielHK's status: Lev 30.6, HP 348, MP 125, -10 AC 8-) | ¡@ |
24th October 1998 | ¡@ | ||
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BrielHK's status: Lev 29.5, HP 335, MP 123, -10 AC 8-) | ¡@ |
21st October 1998 | ¡@ |
More about Yesterday's Update Some factor has been edited like below: 1. Guard is faster and more powerful. 2. All polymorph will be returned to normal after 2 hours even though the polymorph was performed before last update. 3. Guard polymorph is not possible. No more guard polymorph! 4. Monsters have little more IQ!...^^ - Skeletons at 2/F Dungeon, about 10 skeletons will team together and hit anyone in their visible distance. - Shelobs at 2/F Dungeon, 6 shelobs will stay at a fix place unless people come in. Therefore they will not hurt by the arrows when no people were there. - Baphomat, it will attack the people in his visible distance. Therefore it is very hard to trap him. - Monster Parties, some parties like 3 elders together / 1 elder + 2 floating eyes. |
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BrielHK's status: Lev 28.6, HP 323, MP 123, -5 AC :) | ¡@ |
20th October 1998 | ¡@ | ||||||||||
New Male Elf were Out!
The new male elf were implemented in today's thousand files of update. However don't
expect too much on him. He just have the status same as the female elf. Anyway he have a
cool look and animated body. ^o^ |
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BrielHK's status: Suspended (Credit Card Problem) T.T | ¡@ |
19th October 1998 | ¡@ |
Lineage Main Server Restored Lineage Main Server have been restored at 02:50pm (GMT+9). The game speed should be better now. |
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BrielHK's status: Lev 27.6, HP 309, MP 123, -5 AC :D | ¡@ |
18th October 1998 | ¡@ |
All Data were Restore to 17 Oct Due to heavy duping of items after 18 Oct 04:00am when Lineage switch to the old and slower server, all users' data were restored to 17 Oct 18:00pm. Therefore all your state such as items and experience will be same as that time. Temporary
service due to Main server problem |
¡@ |
BrielHK's status: Lev 27.3, HP 309, MP 123, -5 AC :D | ¡@ |
17th October 1998 | ¡@ |
More Japanese Support Added![]() ![]() After the 74 update files, Lineage supports more Japanese as above. PS: If we are not using Japanese Windows, we need to download and install the Japanese font in order to see. |
¡@ |
BrielHK's status: Lev 27.3, HP 309, MP 123, -5 AC :D | ¡@ |
16th October 1998 | ¡@ |
Monsters got Trapped![]() It is very often to see monsters were trapped inside wall, fence or pillar in Lineage. Once the monster got trapped we cannot attack it and vice versa. Also the monsters will not rebith again. Therefore if some important monster, like Baphomet, got trapped, we cannot enjoy to hunt it. We need to wait for Lineage to reset the monster server. More About /bookmark Command The maximun number of the name of the place that we want to bookmark is 27 characters (or 13.5 Korean words). If we type more than that our Lineage will crash. Also, I make a mistake yesterday. We can simply delete the place that we don't want by the Delete key on keyboard. |
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BrielHK's status: Lev 27.3, HP 309, MP 123, -5 AC :D | ¡@ |
15th October 1998 | ¡@ |
/bookmark Command is added A new command /bookmark is added for the player who have ring of teleport control and scroll of teleportation. Now we can no longer type in the location if we want to teleport there. We need to go there and bookmark the place first. Then when we use teleport scroll, it will pop up the bookmark window and we can double click to place that we want to teleport to. Keys will Drop Automatically Polymorph is Limited to 2 hours |
¡@ |
BrielHK's status: Lev 27.3, HP 309, MP 123, -5 AC :D | ¡@ |
14th October 1998 | ¡@ |
Details of New Experience Distribution System More experience will be distribute to the first attacker and the attacker who make more effective hits. Read the following from Admin and you will clear about it. :-) Hi. This is admin. Now player can share the exp when you hunt with other ppl. You do not loose exp even through you were a first hitter. But I am asking you that do not interrupt other player's hunting. I will explain how exp is distributed to group hunters. Enjoy group hunting. - Monster can recognize attacker's character and number of effective hit. - Monster give exp to hunters according to the total number of hits. - Number of hit is not attempted but effective hit will be counted. - The first hitter has double number of hit counted than the other hunter. - Even though the first hitter restart the second hitter does not become a first hitter. - If all player restart who has attacked and later other player start to attack he will be a new first hitter. - Mothod 1 - when the first hitter is still existing. The first hitter A 4 hit user B 6 hit user C 2 hit --------------------------------------- Total effective hit 12 hit The first hitter double number of hit. So monster count like this. The first hitter A 8 hit user B 6 hit user C 2 hit --------------------------------------- Total effective hit 16 hit and the exp for each hunters when monster give 100 exp are The first hitter A (8*100)/16 = 50 user B (6*100)/16 = 37.5 --> 37 user C (2*100)/16 = 12.5 --> 12 - Mothod 2 - when there is no first hitter. The first hitter A 4 hit user B 6 hit user C 2 hit --------------------------------------- Total effective hit 12 hit since there is no first hitter there is no double point. and the exp for each hunters when monster give 100 exp are The first hitter A (4*100)/12 = 33.3 --> 33 user B (6*100)/12 = 50 user C (2*100)/12 = 16.6 --> 16 Don't
Shout Too Much |
¡@ |
BrielHK's status: Lev 27.3, HP 309, MP 123, -5 AC :D | ¡@ |
13th October 1998 | ¡@ |
Kill Guard will become Chaotic Since guard is counted as a NPC (Non-Playable Character), so if we kill it we will become Chaotic (Killing NPC is same as PKing). Anyway if you don't afraid to become deep red, you can try on them as there is a rumor that guard may drop bronze plate mail (-6AC). |
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BrielHK's status: Lev 27.2, HP 309, MP 123, -5 AC :D | ¡@ |
12th October 1998 | ¡@ |
The Hacking Bug is Fixed Recently, many Lineage english player's characters were hacked. Now Lineage has fixed the hacking bug. If anyone tried to hack Lineage, his/her account will be deleted. Change of Experience System |
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BrielHK's status: Lev 27.2, HP 309, MP 123, -5 AC :D | ¡@ |
10th October 1998 | ¡@ |
Lineage Info moved to another server Lineage Info moved to another server which is faster for people outside Hong Kong. Anyway the URL has no change. (http://lineage.fsn.net) |
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BrielHK's status: Lev 26.1, HP 297, MP 123, -3 AC :D | ¡@ |
3rd October 1998 | ¡@ | |
Boss of the Dungeon - Baphomet Baphonmet, a new monster, is the new boss of the dungeon. He is located at the 2nd floor of the dungeon inside the boss room. |
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How can we goto the boss room? So far I know 3 ways to the boss room. The first way is walk through the 2 paths to the boss room. One of the path is long and hazardous, but honest. The other one is easy but dishonest, there is many traps, and strong monsters. The second way is using a golden key to open the door of the boss room. However we can only find this key from the Baphomet when he died. The golden key can only use once. The third way is using VERZAR scrolls. Since it is random target and we don't not have ring of teleport control, we need quite a lot of them in order to go to the boss room. On average, we need to spend about 10 VERZAR scrolls to go there. I prefer you should take at least 20 VERZAR scrolls. Otherwise if we are unlucky, we will use all our scrolls and miss the way in the dungeon. |
How strong is the boss? If you think elder is already very strong, then I don't think I can describe how strong is the boss. So far I see the boss have 2 kinds of attack. If we attack it from a long distance, the boss will use "Straight Line" attack. All players on the "Line" will hurt about 20~40 HP. If we attack near it, the boss will use "Circle" attack. All players 1~2 steps near the boss will hurt about 60~80HP! I find my dead body after 2.5 seconds when the boss use this kind of attack. Also, the boss can summon 5~10 skeletons at once... and there is shelobs near the boss room... |
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What will the boss drop? So far I see the boss will drop two hands sword, ZELGO scrolls, DAIYEN scrolls, VELOX scrolls, ebony wands, orange potions, adena (the max. i saw was 8000!) and golden key. |
Can we trap the boss? Yes! We can trap the boss. Firstly, we need tons of people to surround the boss. We need to block all the ways of the boss. Then, we need a player using long distance attack (like bow & arrows or ebony wand) to attack the boss. The player should then run behind the wall. At last, the boss will just face to the player who behind wall. And other players near it can kill it. |
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BrielHK's status: Lev 25.2, HP 284, MP 121, -1 AC :( | ¡@ |
1st October 1998 | ¡@ |
Second Floor of Dungeon is Out! In the 298 files update, second floor of dungeon is added!
¡@ Japanese chatting for Japanese Windows |
¡@ |
BrielHK's status: Lev 25.5, HP 284, MP 121, -1 AC :D | ¡@ |